Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inbi-Out GPS Coin

Inbi-Out GPS Coin

Are you one of those indecisive types on the road? Do you tend to swerve at a Y-junction at the very last minute just because you're not sure of which lane to take, much to the frustration of the vehicle behind you? Perhaps you would benefit greatly from the Inbi-Out GPS coin, if it ever materializes that is. The Inbi-Out coin supposedly gives you a 50/50 chance on virtually everything - where you should go, eat, drink, hang out, pick up chicks, letting you see the final decision on its small embedded display alongside the target destination's GPS co-ordinates and directions. In addition, the Inbi-Out is able to record all of your destinations into a databank for future reference. This is one concept we won't see happening anytime soon.

Permalink: Inbi-Out GPS Coin from Ubergizmo (US, FR) | Good deals | Hot: Palm Pre mini Review


[Source: Ubergizmo]