Thursday, September 27, 2007

Push It Alert: any web content sent to any data-enabled mobile device

Push It Alert: any web content sent to any data-enabled mobile device

DEMO Fall - This one of my favorite services from DEMO. Push It Alerts takes any data from any server (web server, email server) and delivers it to any data-enabled mobile phone, it is carrier agnostic.

For example an entire web page can be sent to your mobile phones in a few seconds and it will perfectly fit the device’s small screen, even the ads are visible and clickable (Yikes!) On the photo, you can see that you have the exact same content on the cell phone and on the computer screen.

This can be used for email as well: you write an email with attached photos and by sending with Push It, it shows instantly on the mobile phone screen, see the second photo.

Global Mobile Technologies launched Push-It Alert at DEMO, but it is not yet available in the market. When integrated to websites, this will let users send content from the sites by simply entering their phone number in a field and click on the Push-It Alert button.

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[Source: Ubergizmo]