Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Windows XP Is Not Down And Out

Windows XP Is Not Down And Out

If there's one word to describe the Windows XP operating system, we supposed "enduring" would be appropriate. Long after its next generation sibling, Vista, has been released, computer manufacturers are still clamoring for this super stable operating system - certainly a situation Microsoft can't be too happy about considering they threw a few hundred million dollars to market Vista worldwide. Guess Microsoft sees a silver lining in this - at least users aren't migrating to other platforms as long as they continue using XP, and hence has allowed system builders to get copies of Windows XP through May 30th next year instead of the intended January 31st dateline as originally envisioned.

Permalink: Windows XP Is Not Down And Out from Ubergizmo (US, FR) | Good deals | Hot: CES 2009, Jan 6-11


[Source: Ubergizmo]