Friday, September 28, 2007

Weza Portable Energy Source

Weza Portable Energy Source
The Weza Portable Energy Source comes in handy if you're traveling outdoors as it gives a ready source of electricity with a little bit of exertion. It relies on step action fully to pump out 25 to 40 watts of power, depending on the amount of effort you put in. Should you decide to skip breaking out in a sweat, you can always plug it into the wall or vehicle charger - that'll juice up the 7 amp-hour internal battery in approximately one third of a day. The Weza Portable Energy Source is capable of jump-starting cars and boats, and comes with tiny LED indicators to let you know just how much power you're generating while working on it. If you plan to introduce a new machine to your daily fitness regime, why not pick up the $269.99 Weza Portable Energy Source instead?

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[Source: Ubergizmo]