Friday, September 28, 2007

Dell XPS M1730 is one mean machine

Dell XPS M1730 is one mean machine

The Dell XPS M1730 would certainly put most desktops to shame, boasting a 3.4GHz processor while laying claim to being the only laptop currently available that can run the Ageia PhysX engine as well as Unreal Tournament 3's Tornado Mod. The M1730 features LEDs that can be programmed to work with the game engine, where the speakers, outer shell, and keyboard will light up each time you take a hit or pick up a weapon for a more immersive experience. This mean machine ain't lean though, it weighs more than 12lbs when fully loaded. Features include dual HDD slots that can be configured in a RAID array as well as an optional Blu-ray drive to take advantage of the 7ms 1,920 x 1,280 display. Pricing starts from $2,999 up to a whopping $4,486 for the full bells and whistles.

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[Source: Ubergizmo]