Thursday, January 29, 2009

Curse of Silence Cured

Curse of Silence Cured

Nokia has managed to memorize a spell in time to break the Curse of Silence exploit that made headlines just last month, enabling an attacker to cripple the messaging capabilities on Nokia smartphones running on the S60 3rd Edition platform simply by sending a carefully crafted message. You won't have to chant mantras or follow what resembles a witch doctor's advice, but just have to download and install a free cleanup tool if you're part of the affected. Even if you're free from this Curse of Silence exploit, there is no hard done in installing it on your phone just in case - you know, better safe than sorry and all that jazz.

Permalink: Curse of Silence Cured from Ubergizmo (US, FR) | Good deals | Hot: OMNIA Review


[Source: Ubergizmo]