Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Syba BioMirage Coffer Requires USB Key To Open

Syba BioMirage Coffer Requires USB Key To Open

Talk about a 21st century jewelry box! The BioMirage Coffer from Syba is equipped with a two-fold security measure that consists of both fingerprint authentication as well as a USB key. Chances are, you will probably rely on the former much more than the latter simply because of the convenience involved, although we must admit that having to insert your own USB key is pretty cool as well. The USB key was thrown in as a failsafe measure just in case the biometric sensor loses its effectiveness. Once you bring home the BioMirage Coffer, you had best ensure the USB key remains safely tucked away somewhere. Too bad this safe is not fireproof, so we wouldn't recommend this as a storage solution for anything important.

Permalink: Syba BioMirage Coffer Requires USB Key To Open from Ubergizmo (US, FR) | Good deals | Hot: CES 2009, Jan 6-11


[Source: Ubergizmo]