Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Consolation Monkey Calculator

Consolation Monkey Calculator

Now when you hear of a device with a name like that, chances are you'll think this is some sort of crazy Japanese product. Guess what - you're absolutely right! It resembles a standard desktop calculator with an extra large display, and comes in a couple of modes - one for normal calculating while the other is for “consolation calculation”, where it uses an algorithm of its own to determine the net worth of any emotional anguish incurred on account of another. We wonder whether the results of this calculator will actually be upheld in the court of law when it comes to domestic disputes and divorces. How does it work? You first enter your profile information, pick from a list of perpetrators (boss, boyfriend, girlfriend, the works) and hit the "mental damage" button for the results. Unfortunately, it won't show the financial rewards associated with such anguish incurred, as you can only choose from "beer", "dinner" and the ilk.

Permalink: Consolation Monkey Calculator from Ubergizmo (US, FR) | Good deals | Hot: CES 2009, Jan 6-11


[Source: Ubergizmo]