Monday, December 29, 2008

Samsung i8510 INNOV8 Spotted At FCC

Samsung i8510 INNOV8 Spotted At FCC

A quick check with the FCC shows that AT&T is set on making available the Samsung i8510 INNOV8 cell phone to its portfolio, where the “M” version of the device (i8510M) will feature radio frequencies that support AT&T's 3G network. Apart from that, you can be sure that the other specifications remain unchanged, which means you will still be able to enjoy the 8 megapixel shooter and Wi-Fi connectivity amidst an entire plethora. Hopefully both Samsung and AT&T will shed more light on the Symbian S60-powered i8510M in due time to keep us excited. We've pretty short attention spans, you know?

Permalink: Samsung i8510 INNOV8 Spotted At FCC from Ubergizmo (US, FR) | Good deals | Hot: CES 2009, Jan 6-11


[Source: Ubergizmo]