Thursday, January 29, 2009

LoveTrainer Helps Keep Your Love Life In Shape

LoveTrainer Helps Keep Your Love Life In Shape

Do you feel inadequate in the bedroom due to the amout of emails you've been getting telling you that you're not a stud unless you add a few more inches to your manhood? Well, it isn't all about the size of the package, you know, but your lasting power. This is where the quirky LoveTrainer device comes in - Sega is the brains behind this set of headphones that you and your lover wear while doing the horizontal hokey pokey. It will play music that helps you both relax alongside inspirational statements including “The foreplay, will now begin!” and “You are making love, at a very good pace!”. Encouragement from a third party in something so sacred and private? We think this is one of the funniest (and useless) things to come in a long time, but it might just make for a good gag Valentine's Day gift before you bust out the diamonds to erase that disappointed look on her face.

Permalink: LoveTrainer Helps Keep Your Love Life In Shape from Ubergizmo (US, FR) | Good deals | Hot: OMNIA Review


[Source: Ubergizmo]