Thursday, December 25, 2008

VR3 Bluetooth Steering Wheel Console

VR3 Bluetooth Steering Wheel Console

Many states have already made it mandatory to use a hands-free kit if you want to carry a conversation on your cell phone while driving, and this is where Bluetooth hands-free kits come in handy. For those who are still mulling over their purchase decision, here is yet another model that ought to confuse you further. The VR3 Bluetooth steering wheel console is clipped to the steering wheel, ensuring you will be able to keep both hands there and concentrate on the road ahead while catching up with an old friend. Not too sure whether anyone would want to place this $99.99 contraption on their wheels if they're driving an exotic, not to mention this could be a popular target for thieves.

Permalink: VR3 Bluetooth Steering Wheel Console from Ubergizmo (US, FR) | Good deals | Hot: CES 2009, Jan 6-11


[Source: Ubergizmo]