Saturday, April 26, 2008

Dao Launches Matrix-NEO LCD Monitor

Dao Launches Matrix-NEO LCD Monitor

I find it pretty hard to believe that a company might actually want to piggyback on the success of other brands and even franchises. Case in point - the Matrix-NEO LCD monitor from Dao Korea. This glossy full HD LCD monitor will feature a ho-hum dynamic contrast ratio of 7,000 to 1, and will be released on May 1st. I wonder what the legal eagles from Warner Bros. have to say about this - will this Matrix-NEO LCD monitor actually stop time and "bullets" from your boss, just like how Neo managed to do so in the movies? I guess not, but at least you can choose from 17", 19", 20", 22" and 24" varieties.

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[Source: Ubergizmo]