Saturday, March 8, 2008

Sony Ericsson Patent For PSP Phone

Sony Ericsson Patent For PSP Phone

Is the PSP Phone a go or no go? Everyone has their own view on this, and the signs definitely point toward the former accoding to this new Sony Ericsson patent application known as “Orientation based multiple mode mechanically vibrated touchscreen display". Could the possibility of a cell phone featuring a full touch screen display ala iPhone hit the market soon? Inside, there will be an accelerometer and a haptics feedback set-up which could be rewired via the software, alternating between gaming and phone functionality. With haptics tactile feedback mechanism, you don't need buttons any more, but you'll definitely need a whole lot of fingerprint cleaning solution if a lot of gaming occurs here. Another question is this - will a PSP phone mean the end of the PSP line, or will Sony Ericsson claim that this is a "third pillar"?

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[Source: Ubergizmo]