Saturday, March 8, 2008

Gepetto Paintball Robot

Gepetto Paintball Robot

Getting hit by a paintball is a painful affair, but at least you can try to exact revenge on your human counterpart. What happens if you are up against a robotic opponent? Builder Che Edoga (aka “darkback2?) has come up with Gepetto, a remote-controlled robot who fires paintballs without flinching when fired at. Originally designed to be an artificially-intelligent mobile robotic platform, throwing in a paintball modification is nothing but a stroke of genius. Gepetto has the strength to carry a laptop on its back and is able to navigate challenging surfaces courtesy of independent wheel mechanisms that can travel as much as 3" in height. It won't be able to traverse hills though, but a carpet and uneven surfaces should be not a problem.

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[Source: Ubergizmo]