Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Catch-and-Eat Fishing Game

Catch-and-Eat Fishing Game

The humble cell phone is not good only for making calls and sending/receiving text messages, it also comes with a plethora of other functions which have added a whole lot of value to our busy lives. This interesting fishing game known as "Ippon Zuri" (pole-and-line fishing) rewards successful players with home deliveries of fresh fish caught in the real world - making me wish that McDonalds or Burger King have some sort of equivalent scheme to reward us ordinary folk. Since Ippon Zuri enables players to eat what they catch virtually, chances are you won't be as successful as your character in Animal Crossing, Golden Rod or not. Only subscribers of NTT DoCoMo in the Fukuoka area who register at the Ippon Zuri site and pre-pay for the games will be able to enjoy the benefit of this game. Three games will set you back by 1,000 yen.

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[Source: Ubergizmo]