Thursday, December 20, 2007

Uncanny Valley Crossing? Not Even Close

Uncanny Valley Crossing? Not Even Close

French company Quantic Dream claims that it has crossed the Uncanny Valley (definition). It is a theory that says that as synthetic humans (either robots or computer graphics) become more realistic to the point of being “almost real”, users will feel a strong repulsion, until these synthetic humans become indistinguishable from real ones.

That is because we are all experts at spotting extremely subtle anomalies in humans, and I mean so subtle that it can’t be captured by motion capture, or even animated texture, at least today.

So, even though Quantic Dream’ demo is interesting, claiming that they have crossed the Uncanny Valley is a megalomaniac joke, at best. I’ve seen some “clownish” claims in recent years, but this one is probably the best to date. This is a much more realistic CG character (not in real-time).

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[Source: Ubergizmo]