One thing the Nokia N95 has that the iPhone does not is an integrated accelerometer sensor. Andreas Jakl and Stephan Selinger have come together to develop the ShakerRacer project that allows a hacked RC Car to be controlled by the Nokia N95 simply by using the sensor. This car has been specially modified to accept a Bluetooth connection instead of the wireless module the RC car originally came with.
When you're playing a racing game or using an RC car, you will very often move your whole body when driving through tight turns or accelerate with full speed — but the control itself is very often still done through abstract buttons on a game controller or keyboard. ShakerRacer does not need this additional layer and allows you to control an RC car directly through your movements - by using the acceleration sensor of your mobile phone. It works in a very intuitive way: just tilt your phone in the direction you want to drive. That's it!
Sounds pretty cool eh? Nokia was right about the N95 - not only is it what computers have become, it is the stepping stone to something bigger.
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[Source: Ubergizmo]