Friday, November 2, 2007

Wireless EEG draws power from body heat

Wireless EEG draws power from body heat

We've seen the wireless ECG prototype recently, and now there's yet another wireless device - an EEG to be exact, that draws its power from your body's heat instead. The entire system is wearable and integrated into a headband, consuming a mere 0.8mW of power while its autonomous operation increases the patient's autonomy as well as quality of life. It will utilize IMEC's proprietary ultra-low power biopotential readout ASIC to extract high-quality EEG signals with micro-power consumption. A low-power digital signal processing block will then encode the extracted EEG data, sending it to a computer via a 2.4GHz wireless radio after that. No idea on when this prototype will be commercialized though.

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[Source: Ubergizmo]