Monday, November 5, 2007

Matsushita Drive Recorder

Matsushita Drive Recorder

Matsushita has come up with a prototype drive recorder that is capable of recording all sides of a vehicle - the front, rear and interior using a single interior and three exterior cameras. Each view will be shown on 1/4 of the screen. Upon detecting the shock of an impact, the system will then record all 30 seconds of images - combining the 'before' and 'after' videos on a 2GB SD memory card in MPEG-4 video format. The total recording time is 3 hours, but I guess you wouldn't want to get involved in approximately 180 crashes before emptying the card, do you? This is one great device to settle disputes whenever there is an accident. The prototype device is currently being marketed at $165, featuring a color CCD image sensor at 250k resolution with horizonal and vertical viewing angles of 134° and 103° respectively.

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[Source: Ubergizmo]