Monday, October 1, 2007

Hexagon Wooden Mini Stereo Speakers

Hexagon Wooden Mini Stereo Speakers
The Hexagon Wooden Mini Stereo Speakers comes in the shape as implied by its name - a honeycomb complete with integrated amplifiers to keep your desktop rocking. They're pretty small in stature though, measuring a mere 3.86" x 3.35" x 2.24". Well, if price is of any indication, don't expect something ear shattering especially when they retail between $15 and $18. Audiophiles, steer clear of this! If you own a notebook that has less than decent sound output, maybe getting this would be a good idea. I'd rather set a side slightly more money and get more bang for my buck, but different strokes for different folks eh?

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[Source: Ubergizmo]